Branch 116 Executive Committee Decision History |
Sep 2008 |
Presiding Big Sir: Art Donaldson Motion to create the position of “Rotating Story Teller” and annually at the option of the Big Sir elect appoint a branch member to that position. |
Sep 2008 |
Presiding Big Sir: Art Donaldson Motion for Big Sir to annually nominate a non BEC member as the Honoree Chairman for Branch 116 to implement the Senior Honoree System as defined in the Sir Corporate Guidelines Rule 26, “Presidential Awards”, and to include the duties of identifying potential branch honoree’s of the month. |
Jun 2007 |
Presiding Big Sir: Floyd Skelton Big Sir announced that Jerry Kaplan is the new Activities Coordinator and that the Executive Committee needed to approve two items, a new Book Club and the Carson City Golf weekend. Both items were moved, seconded and approved. |
Nov 2006 |
Presiding Big Sir: Jerry Hunter Floyd also announced that as next year’s Big Sir he would reinstate the honoree system that names one of our members from time to time during the year. He has asked Jack Bevis to chair this effort (who has accepted) and the man of the month will receive a free lunch. |
Oct 2006 |
Presiding Big Sir: Jerry Hunter Big Sir Jerry Hunter stated his new policy of not having Committee Chairmen tell any jokes in the process of reporting on their events. Apparently one of the jokes in September was not received too well by a number of attendees and generated some complaints. So in order to save time during committee reports, as well as avoid offending what may be tender ears, he asked that the Committee Chairs refrain from telling any more jokes, during his tenure at least. Little Sir Floyd Skelton stated he would continue that policy in 2007. |
Jun 2006 |
Presiding Big Sir: Jerry Hunter Nominating Committee Chairman Ron Domer reported that the full slate was completed on time. He suggested that the most recent ex-Big Sir be made chairman of the committee in the future and that he be allowed to pick the rest of the committee as he saw fit. The advantages of this arrangement would be knowledge of the makeup of the members and who would be good for various jobs. One disadvantage might be that cliques might be formed and it would be a good-old-boys club. A spirited discussion followed and it was moved, seconded and approved that the ex-Big Sir be Chairman and free to pick the rest of his committee. Regional Governor Harry Hubinger stated that many of the branches had the same arrangement. |