Branch 116 Executive Committee Decision History |
Jul 2008 |
Presiding Big Sir: Art Donaldson Big Sir approves who can use email list. Joel requested the email list but was advised that the Big Sir needs to approve use of the list. The all-inclusive email list is now complete and he desired to allow its use only at the discretion of the Big Sir who will also be custodian. This suggestion was duly moved, seconded and approved by the Board.
Nov 2007 |
Presiding Big Sir: Floyd Skelton Big Sir asked Director Ron Armijo, who had reviewed the Director’s term limits policy and prepared guidelines to administer same, to report out on his recommendations. Essentially calling for a one-year hiatus between serving as a Director again, a motion to approve the guidelines was made, seconded and approved. A copy of those guidelines is attached to the master copy of these minutes.
Oct 2004 |
Presiding Big Sir: Tom Robinson A motion that Director & Officer Insurance will not be obtained for Branch #116 at this time. Supporting documentation attached to original minutes.
Mar 2003 |
Presiding Big Sir: Carlos Xavier Big Sir Carlos Xavier clarified a related aspect of inactive status. If for medical reasons a member is unable to attend meetings on a regular basis but would like to remain active, he should apply to the membership chairman to get approval from the executive committee for an exception to the missed luncheon meeting rules and penalty.
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