Branch 116 Executive Committee Decision History |
Sep 2008 |
Presiding Big Sir: Art Donaldson Motion to delete bullet no. 4 of regulation 11/07 Director Term Limits, which grants the Branch Auditor a position of director with no term limits.
Nov 2007 |
Presiding Big Sir: Floyd Skelton Motion moved and passed to define Director Term Limits that includes: - Directors term will be 1 calendar year with an option to extend for no more than two additional consecutive terms - Eligibility for subsequent terms following completion of the third consecutive term will require a minimum waiting period of 1 year - Directors who resign their position prior to the end of their term will be replaced by a member in good standing selected by the Big Sir to serve the remainder of the term - The Auditor position serves at the pleasure of the Big Sir, is exempt from term limits, and is confirmed each year at the discretion of the Big Sir elect. - Each year the out-going Big Sir is eligible to roll-over to the position of Director and serve for one additional year if the term maximum has been reached. This exception is designed to provide continuity and support of the new officers and directors.
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