Branch 116 Executive Committee Decision History |
Sep 2008 |
Presiding Big Sir: Art Donaldson Motion to rescind the 02/02 motion to make the past Big Sir “Advisor to the Board” in favor of making the past Big Sir a Director with a term of one year. |
Feb 2002 |
Presiding Big Sir: Frank Dillon Big Sir Frank Dillon discussed the 01/02 meeting resolution expanding the number of directors to seven. He pointed out that the rules specified two to six directors and that we didn’t want to start a change up to the state level. Area Governor Art Miller suggested that the board create a position of “Advisor to the Board” without voting privileges. A motion to this effect was made, seconded and approved. |
Feb 2002 |
Presiding Big Sir: Frank Dillon A motion was made to rescind the 01/02 meeting resolution of making a seventh directors position. This motion was seconded and approved. |
Jan 2002 |
Presiding Big Sir: Frank Dillon A motion seconded and passed to recommend a change to the bylaws increasing the number of directors to seven with the additional director being ex officio past Big Sir and serving for one year. |
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