Branch 116 Executive Committee Decision History |
Sep 2005 |
Presiding Big Sir: Ron Domer Nominating Committee Chairman: - Is selected by the Big Sir-elect. - The Big Sir shall choose the committee members not to exceed 6 members according to Rule 130 of the Sir Branch Bylaws. - Will keep the “Big Sir” informed on the progress being made by the committee.
Nominating Committee: - Will be responsible for selecting a Slate of Nominees for the positions of Branch Officers and Directors. - Will start its work no later than the beginning of the 2nd quarter
Nominees: - Will be selected and submitted to the board for approval by the end of July each year. - Will be voted on/approved by general branch membership subsequent to board approval.
Sep 2005 |
Presiding Big Sir: Ron Domer The two longest serving directors should be rotated off the board each year. - Existing officers and directors will be approached early in the year to see if they are willing to carry over into their existing positions (if desirable) - The Nominating Committee will ensure that NO inappropriate favoring of any specific candidate or clique is made in the nomination process. - The Big Sir will notify all new nominees and retiring officers and directors of their status in writing. Retiring Directors and Directors will be contacted personally by the “Big Sir” and thanked for their service.
Sep 2008 |
Presiding Big Sir: Art Donaldson Motion to accept the documentation that defines the Nominating Committee make-up, the Nominating Committee Guidelines and the documentation that defines Nominee Desirable Traits as documented in August 2005 and restated in the Branch Guidelines and Procedures Manual with the following changes: - Chairman is selected by the Big Sir-elect - The Big Sir elect shall choose the committee members not to exceed 6 members according to Rule 130 of the Sir Branch Bylaws |
Sep 2005 |
Presiding Big Sir: Ron Domer Nominees should have certain leadership qualities and skills required to fill a specific position. (I.e. Speaking, Administrative, Computer, Financial, etc.) - It is desirable to have committee members that have been members of the branch for a number of years and have a general wide acquaintance of other branch members, or have been active in activity groups in the branch. |