Branch 116 Executive Committee Decision History




Nov 2009

Presiding Big Sir: Frank Crua

The BEC approved a motion to leave the luncheon fee at $15 and to increase the "voluntary contribution" to $30/member.  We will begin collection of the “voluntary contribution” on April 19, 2010.

Jun 2008

Presiding Big Sir: Art Donaldson

Sir Dick Chaffee reviewed our finances with a recommendation to institute a voluntary contribution of $15 starting in July.  This was voted on and approved by the executive committee.

Jul 2007

Presiding Big Sir: Floyd Skelton

Phil Goff then broached the idea of reporting the Treasury status twice a year in the Trampas Topics, say in the Feb and July issues.  After a brief discussion, this idea was approved.

Apr 2007

Presiding Big Sir: Floyd Skelton

PROPOSED BUDGET:  Big Sir Floyd Skelton discussed the criteria for the budget.  It should be self-sustaining, new voluntary contribution of $15.00 yearly, and a monthly luncheon contribution of $15.00.  Dick Chaffee, Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer Bob Shader had no questions.  Motion to accept the budget was made, seconded and passed with a unanimous vote. Floyd said that he would inform the membership at the luncheon today.

Oct 2004

Presiding Big Sir: Tom Robinson

Dick Thompson proposed, and was approved that the voluntary contribution be eliminated for the current year only and that the need for the contribution be reviewed annually to determine the proper amount of contribution, if any, for that year.



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